For full information regarding Qigong please visit The Chris Handbury School of Qigong website

Qigong Classes Update

Wed 10.00am Stonehouse Community Centre - (Ladies Only Class) seated and standing class with Marge Morgan

Thurs 7.15pm Stonehouse Community Centre - Ba Duan Jin Qigong

Fri 10.00am Stonehouse Community Centre - Qigong for Health and Wellness, Energy, Balance and Mobility.

Please call 01453 828000 before booking.


Qigong Instructor Training Course

Learn Ba Duan Jin Qigong and help others to feel greater health and happiness.

Booking now available online or call 01453 828000 

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Qigong with Christopher David Handbury

Booking Details

  • All sessions must be pre-booked prior to attending.
  • No addmisson to classes without a booking.
  • Drop-In visitors are not allowed at this time.
  • Spaces are limited at each venue so each student receives suitable attention.
  • Due to reduced space, all bookings are non-refundable.
  • some classes may not be suitable for those with mobility restrictions.
Please call the clinic if you would like to discuss your needs prior to booking a Qigong class or visiting a venue. 

Tel: 01453 828000

What is Qigong?

Qigong is a health exercise system developed over thousands of years. Many of its origins and history are related to eastern cultures and medicine. 

Specific movements and methods are prescribed to help patients recover from illness and injury. Regular practice helps to regulate and balance the physical and emotional aspects of health, resulting in improved wellbeing , resistance to illness and a reduction in physical injury.

Qigong can be used as general health system, to boost the immune system or on a deeper level to heal trauma. The practice can be soft and gentle when you need to recover and heal or energetic and challenging to dust off the cobwebs of life.

Each session can be adjusted to suit your needs at the time and that's what makes Qigong so versatile and suitable for all ages, shapes and sizes.

Qigong or Tai Chi... Which is best?

Many doctors and health workers recommend Tai Chi to those requiring a softer exercise system to improve their health. Tai Chi is very good for this but not as effective as Qigong. 

Tai Chi is historically a martial art for fighting... WITH health benefits! This is mainly due to its slow movement and low impact. It also requires focus of the mind so its great for brain functions. I have spent many years training in Tai Chi before utilising Qigong for my health. I still return to it now and then as it feels good for me.

Qigong does all of this and much more as it practice is for regulating the body and mind so it is specifically for improving health and healing the body and mind so the results are more specific and faster to achieve. Qigong is often considered the mother of Tai Chi.

Both are very good for general health, both exercise the joints, and muscles and both can reduce emotional stress. Its worth giving both a go and seeing what fits best for you.

Above all else it should be enjoyable, simple and easy enough to learn so you can practice on your own for the full benefits. Regular daily training brings the best results.
What's in it for you?

  • Activate the body's own natural medicine and feel GREAT!
  • Improve energy flow to remove harmful blockages
  • Harmonise the internal organs to promote healing from illness
  • Excite the digestive system for improved energy
  • Tone the muscles for strength and vital health
  • Strengthen the bones and joints for less pain.
  • Sleep better and feel alive with life!

Learn the foundations of Ba Duan Jin and begin your healing journey with the book...

'What is Qigong?' A step-by-step guide to growing a successful daily practice of Qigong'

by Christopher David Handbury 

A Top 10 Bestseller on Amazon for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation & Traditional Medicine and Remedies.

It has everything you need to get started learning this great art of self healing and wellbeing. The book is a student reference manual for the system taught by Christopher Handbury and his instructors.

Many questions are answered within these pages as it guides each student to understand the practice of Qigong and gain the benefits immediately.

A must for all students! Buy on Amazon Today

Options for Learning Ba Duan Jin Qigong
You can learn at home or online with my extensive video tutorials, in person with 1-2-1 sessions at the clinic or attend one of my weekly classes. You can gain great benefits from Qigong which ever method of learning you choose. I will guide you through the stages of development and support your training as you progress forward. 

Benefits for Emotional Health
Qigong is a great way to help harmonise emotional stress. Our lives can become very busy and qigong classes provides emotional space to slow down and breathe. When we remove un-necassary tensions from the body through deeper breathing and co-ordinated movement the mind begins to let go of accumulated stress and will leave you feeling refreshed, restored and revived.

Life can become crowded and other people can make us feel drained or fatigued. Qigong teaches you how to gain back your own personal space and allow time for your own growth and daily happiness.
Learning how to stay healthy for just YOU is a leap forward to better health and vitality.

Qigong at at its deepest level is a system for self healing. Qigong teaches us to gently release tensions and strengthen the mind. Over time and with regular practice physical restrictions caused by emotional trauma can easily dissolve in such a subtle way that it makes this practice a great additional aid in the journey of self development and emotional health.

Regular practice has great benefits for anxiety, depression, fatigue, headaches, stress relief, low energy and many common ailments
Benefits for Physical Health
Not only does Qigong Nourish the Mind and Body but it also improves the physical body and structure. Qigong strengthens and tones muscles while relaxing tension in the musculo-skeletal framework. This means faster recovery, better response and a healthy physical body so you can enjoy the activities you love with more enjoyment and less injury or pain.

Qigong has great results for illness like fibromyalgia, chronic pain, joint pain, arthritis and mobility problems that often lie in the physical body. Due to its gentle nature and medical direction, it is easier to gain benefits using Qigong over other systems like Yoga and Tai Chi.
"Qigong is a very effective and successful means of maintaining health and promoting the process of natural, self-healing... physically and emotionally"
C. Handbury

I have been studying the art of Qigong for 17 years and teaching the methods for the past 10 years.

The system I share is the Ba Daun Jin Qigong (Eight Brocades), Zhan Zhaung (Jan Jong) Standing Qigong, 5 Element Qigong and various musculo-skeletal practices that help to repair physical imbalances and reduce the reaction of the emotional mind.

Teaching also includes the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) 5 Elements and TCM food energetics.

There are also elements of Self-Massage and the treatment of others for dedicated students.

1-2-1 Private Training | Online 1-2-1 and Classes | Instructor Training | Public Events

01453 828000

Qigong  Student Testimonials
"I attend Chris' Qigong for Fibromyalgia class. I now feel more like a Fibro Warrior! Thank you, Chris."

"Attending Chris' Chi-Fit Qigong class for about two years has improved my health immeasurably.

“These classes are highly recommended"

"Thanks for everything and showing me the way to finding my true self, and I do absolutely feel amazing, the first time in my life I have felt like this."

" I feel more relaxed, the pain of the injuries subsides and I sleep really well."

"Another member of the group, complimented me on how my posture had changed so it's a very big positive step for me Chi Fit. Thanks Chris"

"We all loved it!, today is the first day in months my knee isn't swollen. Can't wait till the next session :)"

"People have commented that I look really well and ask me what I am doing…Qigong is a life changer!"

“Within 4 weeks I was able to stand for an entire class and was walking short distances unaided”

"it's improved wellbeing, both physically & mentally...this can be measurable as well as just 'feeling good'. "

"Inspirational!... classes with Chris have changed my way of thinking mentally and physically"

“Qigong classes with Chris have been amazing and I feel like I am on a new path with something that is so beneficial to my health and wellbeing.”

“I've noticed the positive effects on my well being already”

“ I credit your classes entirely for my recovery as I haven't done anything else to help me. Invaluable!

“I would go as far as saying that you have given me a new lease of life and I thank you very much.”"

“at 72 years of age I feel significantly more sprightly than when in my 60s”

“One term in and I have found that I'm delighted with the results from this gentle method.. Thanks Chris."

"Really great Qigong classes. Brilliant way of calming your mind and getting fit at the same time"

"I suddenly realized how fluid my movements were and how deep and painless my stances were compared to my pre-Chi-Fit days”