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Clinical Tui Na (pronounced 'twee nah') is also known as 'Chinese Massage' or 'Needle-less' Acupuncture.
Until the last decade or so Tui Na was unavailable in the West, and still remains relatively unknown.
As its effective methods are experienced by more and more patients it is gradually gaining respect as a very powerful system that is able to treat many conditions that respond poorly to other available means.
This system is used in hospital and clinics throughout China to treat complaint treated by a Chiropractor, Osteopath or Physiotherapist here in the UK.
Tui Na is also the main therapy offered prior to surgical operations such as prolapsed disc, hip replacements, etc.
Tuina has remained an organized and systematically developed form of massage and physical therapy since 500bc. Currently in China, Tuina is taught as a separate but equal field of study in the major traditional Chinese medical schools.
Tuina doctors receive the same demanding training as acupuncturists and herbalists, and enjoy the same level of professional respect.
Tuina uses the Traditional Chinese Medical theory of channels and collaterals (meridians or pathways) and the flow of the Chi energy, as its basic therapeutic orientation.
Through the application of massage and manipulation techniques, Tuina seeks to establish a more harmonious Chi energy through the system of channels and collaterals, allowing the body to naturally heal itself.
"I have tried various physical therapies from all around the world and i still believe Tui Na to be the fastest way to get results...and its a very deeply relaxing experience" C Handbury
Sports Injury Therapy, Recovery & Rehabilitation
Christopher David Handbury MCNHC CThA ACuC
Senior Health Consultant at SHC
Christopher Handbury has been succesfully treating professional and recreational althletes for over seven years. He is a CNHC Recognised and registered therapist for both massage and acupuncture.
CNHC Practitioners are recommended by The Depertment of Health
The NHS is advised to use only CNHC practitioners outside of the NHS as each practitioner has met the standards and training set out by the CNHC.
His extensive training in bodywork and combination therapy allows him to not only treat your presenting symptoms but discover the root cause of your condition and provide feedback, recovery advice and onward care for you injury.
Using the most tried and tested forms of physical therapy each patient is dianosed through bio-mechanical assessment, myofascial restrictions, nutritional balance and bio-energetic strength.
Within the methods used are Myofascial Release Techniques, Trigger Point Therapy, Medical Acupressure (Tuina) all of which have been making there way into modern Sports Therapy over the last twenty years.
The main difference between Western and Eastern treatment is its 'Holistic' approach in restoring balnce to the whole system.
Western Medicine is mostly concerned with the immediate injury and does not frequently look past the physical or chemical body.
Chinese or Eastern Medicine takes into acount how the whole body, how nutrition and lifestyle has been affected by the injury or even if these traits have been a major factor in the injury itself.
Sometimes an injury will require a combination of therapies to show good results. This can be Physical Therapy, Heat Therapy, Nutritional Therapy, Acupuncture and other Rehabilitation Methods that are unique to Chinese Sports Medicine.
Read our customer testimonials to find out what others are saying about this unique form of therapy.
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